Why not set up a work shop in live "real time" illustration.
If you are interested as a group or a company fill in the form below, send a request and I'll get back to you shortly.

Work Shop Request


To make drawings in real live situations, e.g. on a theatre performance, dance show or musical play is really an exciting challenge.
There is some extra dimensions put into the drawing procedure. It forces you in a way to go into a non thinking motion. It makes you extremely concentrated and focused in what you are doing in the moment. A kind of explanation could be like going into meditative feeling. Almost like you are drawing automatically, the brush or pen seams to move more by a feeling than by a thought.
At least this is how I could try to explain from my own experience and why I love doing this kind of art!

Juha Nyberg

Drawing a live model in action is a wonderful challange!

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